Master of Arts in Islam and Global Affairs

Maker Majlis - Humanitarian Action from Response to Recovery: The Turkiye and Syria Earthquakes

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 14:25

Maker Majlis is hosting this event to raise awareness about the impact of humanitarian work on society regarding the recent earthquakes in Turkiye and Syria. In collaboration with local humanitarian institutes, this event will feature a combination of  lectures and a poster exhibition. 

Transitional Justice in the Arab World

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 02/02/2023 - 11:55

The Arab world has struggled with the application of transitional justice in post-war times, which on several occasions has led to renewed cycles of violence; in some cases, countries have slid into brutal civil wars. In his lecture on transitional justice in the Arab world, Dr. Fraihat will present the lessons learned from different experiences in Iraq, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, and share his thoughts on how to achieve peaceful and successful political transitions with transitional justice at the heart of the process.

الدين والدولة والسياسة

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 17:28
يتمحور النقاش في الصفحات التالية حول العلاقة بين الحياة الدينية والحياة السياسية، وتداعيات هذه العلاقة على الحياة العامة والعيش المشترك لمواطنين يختلفون في معتقداتهم وتفسيراتهم الدينية. ولّدت التجارب التاريخية التي تعاملت مع هذه العلاقة موقفين أساسيين مختلفين وجوابين متناقضين حول ارتباط الدين بالسياسة وبمؤسسات الدولة التي تسعى لتنظيم المجتمع، تمثَّل الأول في الدولة الدينية التي تتداخل فيها الحياة الدينية والسياسية، والآخر في الدولة العلمانية التي تسعى لحصر القضايا المرتبطة بالتعاليم الدينية في مؤسسة مستقلة عن مؤسسات الدولة هي المؤسسة الدينية.

Assessing the impact of ICESCO’s Capitals of Culture Programme

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sun, 01/08/2023 - 11:43

The purpose of the research is two-fold: it is both exploratory and explanatory. The aim of this study is to provide insight into the workings of ICESCO and its Islamic World Culture Capitals programmes. It seeks to assess the role of the programme and its impact on the fields of education, science, and culture. To attain this goal, an analysis of the programme as a whole is needed, delving into the special features of the programme’s projects and activities.

International Humanitarian Law and Islamic Humanitarian Law

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 16:21

This online event will highlight how the similarities between International Humanitarian Law and Islamic law are not coincidental, but the evidence that there are universal values and an important part of most religious and other worldviews.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Dawoody, International Committee of the Red Cross.

World Cup and SDGs in Action: Pitch Competition

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 12:10

The College of Islamic Studies (CIS) cordially invites you to present your ideas on how the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ can be a venue to address the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Held as an online competition, this event is an excellent opportunity for sports enthusiasts who are passionate about making a difference in the world around them through the SDGs. Participants are encouraged to explore how the SGDs can help achieve sustainable societies and economies while also protecting the ecosystem. 

Education for Sustainable Development in Qatar

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 12:03

This exciting workshop brings together actors undertaking active roles as part of the education and policy community in the education for sustainable development ecosystem in Qatar. The workshop aims to create a venue to learn about stakeholders’ experiences in sustainable development goals education (strategies, tools, enablers and barriers), as well as to collectively work on identifying the overarching questions in this domain and the areas open for progress and collaboration.

Social and Literary Structures: How Are They Interrelated?

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 14:40
This paper critically reviews the models of the relationship between literary structures such as narrative and discourse, on the one hand, and social structures such as social networks, on the other. It first critically analyzes the earlier one-sided, non-reciprocal models and continues with a survey of the more recent reciprocal models which are suggested by scholars from a wide range of disciplines. Finally, it outlines how these new reciprocal models can shed more light on the interaction between literary and social structures.