Effacious Architecture and Social Sustainability in Muslim Geographies

The Place of the Mosque: Genealogies of Space, Knowledge and Power

Submitted by siteadmin on Sun, 05/15/2022 - 09:05

The Place of the Mosque: Genealogies of Space, Knowledge, and Power extends Foucault’s analysis, Of Other Spaces, and the “ideological conflicts which underlie the controversies of our day [and] take place between pious descendants of time and tenacious inhabitants of space.” This book uses Foucault’s framework to illuminate how mosques have been threatened in the past, from the Cordóba Mosque in the eighth century, to the development of Moorish aesthetics in the United States in the nineteenth century, to the clashes surrounding the building of mosques in the West in the twentieth and twen

The Gulf Cooperation Council states: Crystallization of the regional cooperation and alliances amid dwindling resources

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:30
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states can be divided into two main camps in terms of hydrocarbon endowment per capita which can partially account for differences in policy directions. Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE (the rich triplet) have small populations while having large hydrocarbon (oil and natural gas) endowments compared to Bahrain, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

The reestablishment of Mosul's city fabric: an approach to computational hybridization

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 08:47
This paper aims out to analyze the confluence of spatial analysis and computational design strategies to support the reestablishment of Mosul's city housing fabric. According to a UN-Habitat report, Mosul suffered from catastrophic losses on an urban scale, resulting in a housing crisis that requires a large-scale response. However, the need for immediate shelters might lead to a rapid, uninformed reconstruction process, causing the loss of the architectural identity that the city accumulated over the years.