Critical Issues in Islamic Studies

Political Ascent - Contemporary Islamic Movements In North Africa

Submitted by siteadmin on Mon, 04/20/2020 - 14:24

Islamic movements in North Africa have historically been distinguished from their counterparts in other parts of the Arab world because they have demonstrated a marked willingness to work within the political system and have at times even been officially recognized and allowed to participate in local and national elections. As a result, Islamic thinkers from the Maghrib have produced important writing about the role of

The Politics of Family Cohesion in the Gulf: Islamic authority, new media, and the logic of the modern rentier state

Submitted by Munir on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 14:26

This article explores the politics of a family cohesion a Muslim polity simultaneously committed to the application of Islamic law, the preservation of cultural identity, and socio-economic modernization.