Social Progress - Social Responsibility
The Place of the Mosque: Genealogies of Space, Knowledge and Power
The Place of the Mosque highlights the redemptive longing to build a mosque where the formation of aesthetics is conveyed, and where religious identity and spatial arrangements are represented, as a critical project for the
Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaybani and His Contribution to International Relations
Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaybani (d. 189/805) was one of the earliest Muslim jurists who wrote abundantly on issues under the ‘Siyar’ genre, which today fall under the discipline of international relations.
نحو علم للأديان في جامعات العالم الإسلامي
يقوم هذا البحث على فرضية عدم وجود "علم الأديان" بالمعنى العلمي الدقيق فيالعالمالإسلامي على الرغم من وجود تراث علمي رائد في المجال لعلماء المسلمين على مدى القرون، ويحاول أن يبين ضرورة إيجاد هذا العلم في جامعات العالم الإسلامي، وأن يتناول العوائق التي تعترض قيامه وسبل التغلب عليها، كما يحاول تلخيص أهم ما يتوقع من هذا العلم من أدوار ومهام في إطار معطيات عالمنا المعاصر.<
Global Governance and Muslim Organizations
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, represented on the world stage by 57 states, as well as a host of international organizations and associations. This book critically examines the engagement of these states in systems of global governance and with a variety of policy regimes, including climate change, energy, migration, humanitarian aid, international financial institutions, research and education.