
United Kingdom
Publisher ID

Sociology of Rights: Inviolability of the Other in Islam between Communalism Universalistism

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Sat, 09/10/2022 - 12:31
This book provides a counterweight to the prevailing opinions of Islamic thought as conservative and static with a preference for violence over dialogue. It gathers together a collection of eminent scholars from around the world who tackle issues such as intellectual pluralism, gender, the ethics of political participation, human rights, non-violence and religious harmony. This book provides a progressive outlook for

al-Harith al-Muhasibi and Spiritual Purification between Asceticism and Mysticism

Submitted by Munir on Sun, 09/04/2022 - 08:51

This chapter sheds light on the contribution that al-Harith b. Asad al-Muhasibi may have played at the critical historical juncture for the development of Sufism by situating him in this critical milieu. It is noteworthy that the conceptualisations of “ascetics” and mystics” do not fit very comfortably with several figures of early Sufism.

Fintech in Islamic Finance: An Introduction

Submitted by Munir on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 10:54

Just as we were editing this book, Malaysia introduced new subsidiary legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies in the country. The news hit global headlines, particularly among the tech communities. The law, Capital Markets and Services (Prescriptions of Securities) (Digital Currency and Digital Token) Order 2019, which regulates all initial coin offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrencies, came into force on 15 January 2019.