CIS Faculty



Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 12:18
This study examines the effect of 1096 analyst recommendation revisions on prices of Shariah-compliant and Shariah non-compliant listed securities in Bursa Malaysia over the period 2005-2016. The study finds that while stocks added-to-buy had positive abnormal returns, the stocks added-to-sell and remove-from-buy had negative abnormal returns in short- and long-term horizons. This finding shows that analysts’ recommendation revisions carry valuable information.

Some Early Definitions of Tasawwuf: Exploring the Centrality of Abu Yazīd al-Bistāmi in its History

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 12:18
The purpose of this article is to present some early definitions of taṣawwuf, uttered by a Sufi who lived before the end of the first half of the third/ninth century known by his paidonymic Abū Yazīd al-Bistāmī (161AH–234AH).

Deferment of Both Counter Values in Financial Transactions; Maqasid Analysis and its Impacts on Money Exchanges

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 11:49

Shariah texts forbid deferment of both counter values in the commutative transactions. However, it is obvious that contemporary juristic opinions abide by this prohibition without appreciating its Shariah objectives. This is evident as some of these opinions unjustifiably differentiate between similar applications, or they violate the prohibition by allowing stratagems that eventually lead to having both values deferred.

The Relevance of Shura In Promoting Shared Prosperity in Developed And Developing Countries: ICIS 2021

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 11:49
The issue of greater inequalities and social exclusion reckoned to be the result of economic growth led the World Bank to set the new goal, to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. Interestingly, the approach of the contemporary solution is largely in consonance with the maqasid or objectives of the Shari’ah.

Foreign trade, education, and innovative performance: A multilevel analysis

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 11:49
This study analyses the innovative performance of 5,273 companies across 64 different economic sectors and 32 different regions in Colombia. We assess the effects of education and open economy variables on the innovative performance of firms by analyzing firm, sectoral, and regional level determinants. The study takes the multilevel approach of the innovation process considering the structure and behavior of innovation systems in developing countries.

The Ascent of Bitcoin: Bibliometric Analysis of Bitcoin Research

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:50

Bitcoin, as the first decentralized cryptocurrency, pioneers the cryptocurrency markets, both in terms of market capitalization and scientific interest. In this paper, we performed a comprehensive bibliometric study of the Bitcoin-related literature. Using the Scopus database, we created a sample that comprises 4495 documents written in the 2011–2020 period.

Intergenerational mobility of education and occupation in Pakistan: a multinomial logistic analysis

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:50
The present study uses a sample of 613 households and attempts to find intergenerational transmission through non-monetary factors such as education and occupations. The results from the logistic regression models are mixtures of opposites, hence more challenging to draw a factual finding from these estimates. For unskilled and managerial ranks of occupation, the findings support the hypothesis, but for skilled non-manual, it does not. The results for the other ranks turn out to be significant.