Islamic Finance


Bitcoin and altcoins price dependency: Resillience and portfoilio allocation in Covid-19 outbreak

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:04

The main aim of this article is to examine the inter-relationships among the top cryptocurrencies on the crypto stock market in the presence and absence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine chosen cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Eos, BitcoinCash, Binance, Stellar, and Tron and their daily closing price data are captured from coinmarketcap over the period from 13 September 2017 to 21 September 2020.

Learning and teaching of Islamic economics: conventional approach or Tawhidi methodology

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 09:04
This paper aims to discuss the methodology of mainstream Islamic economics and also gives an alternative approach which is yet not very much taught in the different academic institutions, i.e. Tawhidi methodology. From the curriculum of the different academic institutions and also from the literature, it is observed that mainstream Islamic economics is the imitation of the conventional economics and mainly neoclassical economics.

Energy-Water-Environment Nexus and the Transition Towards a Circular Economy: The Case of Qatar

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:53

Qatar’s per capita consumption of both energy and water is among the highest in the world. Documentation of methods to reduce energy and water use and its impact on the environment is crucial. A circular economy (CE) ensures that economic growth must not necessarily lead to more resource consumption. Materials and methods This study aims to discuss the CE approach with a focus on understanding the interdependencies between energy and water and their impact on the environment.

Using Blockcahin-Enabled Solutions as SDG Accelerators in the International Development Space

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:53
As the world is striving to recover from the shockwaves triggered by the COVID-19 crisis, all hands are needed on deck to transition towards green recovery and make peace with nature as prerequisites of a global sustainable development pathway. In this paper, we examine the blockchain hype, the gaps in the knowledge, and the tools needed to build promising use cases for blockchain technology to accelerate global efforts in this decade of action towards achieving the SDGs.

Blockchain-Based Solutions in Achieving SDGs after Covid-19

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:53
In this paper, we attempt to explore the extent to which the hard won development gains over the last several years could be reversed due to the unfolding COVID-19 global pandemic, how we can reboot the global response to accelerate the SDGs in times of uncertainties, and most importantly how to turn the recovery into an opportunity to build back better and more resilient economies.

In search of safe haven assets during COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical analysis of different investor types

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:30
This study assesses the role of gold, crude oil and cryptocurrency as a safe haven for traditional, sustainable, and Islamic investors during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Using Wavelet coherence analysis and spillover index methodologies in bivariate and multivariate settings, this study examines the correlation of these assets for different investment horizons. The findings suggest that gold, oil and Bitcoin exhibited low coherency with each stock index across almost all considered investment horizons until the onset of the COVID-19.

Major Shareholders' trust and market risk: Substituting weak institutions with trust

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:20
This study examines the impact of foreign controlling shareholder trust on firm market risk using two measures of total and idiosyncratic risk. An extensive global sample of 12,496 firm-year observations from 43 countries is employed. The results show that firms controlled by foreign trusting shareholders display lower levels of risk in both market measures.

The spillover effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Which subsectors of tourism have been affected more?

Submitted by Munir on Tue, 01/25/2022 - 07:20
This paper investigates the effects of COVID-19 pandemic-related uncertainty focusing on the US tourism subsectors, including airlines, hotels, restaurants, and travel companies. Using daily stock price data, we compute connectedness indices that quantify the financial distress in the tourism and hospitality industry and link these indices with a measure of COVID-19-induced uncertainty. Our empirical results show that some subsectors of tourism are affected more than others.