Islamic Finance


The impact of the Islamic economic doctrines on modern business institutions with emphasis on Iran (Ed.D. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

The study examines the primary business institutions in Islamic society. The study's secondary purpose is to portray a general design of Islamic economy and to develop some alternatives and instruments for restructuring the existing business institutions according to Islamic principles. The author completes an analytical review of literature and a brief survey of expert opinions. The author also uses the writings and ideas of contemporary Islamic thinkers which he then employed to create models and instruments applicable to Islamic society.

An income determination model for income sharing investment companies (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

This dissertation presents an income determination model for income-sharing investment companies in Islamic countries, and utilizes a literature review of economic and accounting theories. Techniques used for measurement, allocation, and distribution of income were obtained in a field study of four income sharing firms. Investment institutions that are comparable to income sharing firms were also studied, and mutual funds and real estate investment trusts were reviewed to illustrate some of the problems facing income sharing firms.

Towards an Islamic economic system (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

The author's aim is to interpret Islamic economics within the context of mainstream economic theory, and he notes that Islamic revivalism fosters Islamic economics. He then cites the monitoring of immoral economic activities as legislatively costly, which may reflect a morality loss and undermine the work of the free market mechanism. Thus the author believes that institutionalizing and reinforcing practical morality and ethical values in economic transactions would move toward perfecting free market operations.

Finance and economic development: Islamic banking in Egypt (Fil.Dr Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

The author attempts to define the role of Islamic banking in the Egyptian development process by posing questions related to the practices of Islamic banks versus interest-based banks; the impact of Islamic banks on economic development; and the comparative advantages of the structure of Islamic banks compared with traditional banks and each system's ability to attract savings and efficiently allocate its funds. The performance of Islamic banks during 1979 to 1988 is examined.

Islamization of the economy: the post-revolutionary Iranian experience (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

This thesis examines the ideological and theoretical underpinnings of post-revolutionary Iran, in particular, the revolutionary government's policies based on Islamization of economic thought. Private property rights and the liberal and radical ideology of the state are considered, together with questions regarding the limits to legitimately acquired private property and limited economic role of the state. Specifically, the issue of 'distributive equity' through public ownership and limited ownership of private land and capital are detailed.

The perceived problems in the utilization of letters of credit: a comperative study (Ph.D. Thesis)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

This thesis addresses the perceived problems in the utilization of letters of credit with respect to the U.K., U.S., the Sudan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The analysis attempts to provide solutions to these problems. The nature of the letter of credit and its use as a financial device is examined, along with its historical development. Some of the legal aspects reviewed include classification of letters of credit, legal documents required, customary disclaimers, and interpretations of the strict compliance rule.

The Kuwait Finance House: viability and growth as an interest-free financial institution (D.B.A. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

This study compares the financial performance of the Kuwait Finance House (KFH) with interest bearing investment and banking sectors in Kuwait, explores the banking needs and attitudes of the KFH's and other established banks' customers, and evaluates the accuracy of KFH officials' predictions about their customers' needs and wants. The interest-free KFH showed substantially better financial performance than interest bearing investment sector means.

Toward an Islamic managerial alternative: an analysis of Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt (Ph.D. Dissertation)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 16:24

This dissertation analyzes the role of management in Islamic countries within the framework of Islamic law, and presents an alternative managerial model. The research aims to discover why certain managerial schemes are more successful than others even while performing within the same religious guidelines, then offers solutions to these problems. The Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt is used a case study, where the bank's managerial strategies are examined in order to better develop an alternative model.