Ibn Taymiyya's Corpus and Thought: State of the Question, New Research Perspectives and Re-evaluation

Submitted by siteadmin on Wed, 03/08/2023 - 09:09

Ibn Taymiyya is undeniably one of the most studied medieval Muslim theologians in the Arab world and in the West. The last two decades have broadened our knowledge of the theologian’s work and thought, including his position on matters of dogma, rationalism, the science of kalam, tafsīr, taṣawwuf, logic, philosophy, and politics. The lecture will focus on the grey areas that constitute research perspectives and try to show how they allow us to re-evaluate and better understand Ibn Taymiyya's thought in our time. 


Dr. Mehdi Berriah 

Assistant Professor of Classical Arabic and Islamic Studies 

Faculty of Religion and Theology 

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

End Date
Conference Room1, Minaratein
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Start Date
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 22:24
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