Theory Theology and Practice of Indigenous Cooperative Governance Institutions

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 10/27/2022 - 09:40

The field of governance, both in policy and in administration, encompasses various sciences and traditions to address the demands and challenges of the human social structure. However, current international standards in this area are largely defined by the dominant Western paradigm at the exclusion of all other religious and cultural traditions. This project will seek to uncover the perspectives of these otherwise underrepresented and underexplored institutions that craft, coordinate, and deliver public services for and with their constituents for a better life, based on their localized Islamic tradition.


Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler (Project Leader and Principal Investigator)

Dr. Leslie A. Pal (CPP Dean and Principal Investigator)

Mr. Salah Chafik (Project Manager and Co-Investigator)

Dr. Alexandre Caeiro (Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, CIS)

Dr. Louay Safi (Professor of Political Science and Islamic Thought, CIS)

End Date
Conference Room 1, Minaretein
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Organizing Institution
Type of Event
Start Date
Mon, 12/13/2021 - 22:24
Event Format