The Journal of Economic Research & Busines Administration

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 18:28
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Journal Summary

The Journal of Economic Research & Business Administration was founded in 1992. The founder and publisher of the journal is Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The journal has a designed and approved cover and title pages, indicating the university, issue output data, ISSN, eISSN, editorial board, editorial policy, publication ethics and website. ISSN 1563-0358; еISSN 2617-7161 The Journal is published 4 times a year. Journal articles are registered in the CrossRef database and each author's article must be assigned DOI – a digital object identifier, which is used to provide citations, links, and access to electronic documents. The journal is indexed by Kazakhstani Citation Database (KazCD) of JSC “National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise” (NCSSTE). The journal is also available in the Scientific electronic library in open access for readers and included in the analytical database “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI). The Journal is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) database. The journal’s editorial board includes leading scientists from Kazakhstan and abroad. The journal follows policy of information openness and accessibility of authors' publications, articles are published on the journal website in three languages with full-text access. Aims & Scope The aim of the journal is to promote the development of fundamental and applied scientific research, to highlight the results of modern scientific research in the field of economics, financial, socio-economic and business aspects of the development of society and international economic relations. The objectives of the journal: - the formation of new views based on modern scientific approaches and academic polemics of various points of view; - publication, presentation and dissemination of scientific works of Kazakhstani and foreign authors, the latest information and best practices in studying topical issues of economics and business administration; - promoting the development of theoretical and practical research in various fields of knowledge; - providing an opportunity to get acquainted with current research and development for all interested readers from around the world; - informing the professional community about new topical publications and research projects; - establishment and strengthening of scientific communications and ties between Kazakh and foreign scientists; - involvement of young researchers in the professional community. Subject areas The journal's materials cover a wide range of problems in the field of economics, international relations, financial, socio-economic and business aspects of the development of society. Articles are published in the following sections of social and economic sciences: Economics, economic theory. Industry economics; Methodology of economic science; Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Economic Growth; Economic analysis. Statistics. Socio-economic history; Sociology, social policy; Demography and labor market; Methods of economic and social research; World economy in the context of globalization; State and local government; Management. Innovation and Technology Management; Investment and marketing management; Digitalization and media communication; Marketing. Trade policy; Analysis of markets and spatial structures; Logistics, supply management systems; Finance and management accounting: approaches and mechanisms; Accounting; Banks, payment systems: regulation, risk assessment.