The Master-Disciple Relationship in Contemporary Vedic Education: A Case Study of Vadakke Madham Brahmaswam, Kerala

Submitted by lfatajo on Thu, 06/30/2022 - 16:01
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Ashraf, Muhammed Waseem
Year of Graduation

This thesis looks at the continuity and preservation of ancient Hindu traditions by looking at the transmission of Vedic knowledge through a 'master-disciple' relationship, a pedagogical practice that has played a crucial role in the teachings and preservations of the Vedas for many centuries, in the contemporary period. As a case study, this research focuses on a Vedic institution in Kerala, India known as Vadakke Madham Brahmaswam. The selection for this institution is based on its years-old operation in teaching the Vedas. Looking at this institution, this research studies its ongoing syllabus and co-curricular activities. Moreover, this research incorporates document analysis and semi-structured interviews to examine these pedagogical strategies practiced in Vadakke Madham Brahmaswam. Additionally, a comparative analysis between ancient and contemporary pedagogical practices within the master-disciple relationship will be conducted. This study finds that there are slight variations between ancient and contemporary practices contributed by factors such as the institutionalization of Vedic studies, the secularization of education, and financial insufficiency.