The Future of Qatari Villas After the Pandemic of Covid-19

Submitted by lfatajo on Sat, 06/25/2022 - 07:17
Select type of work
CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Sara Abdulla Al-Khalifa
Year of Graduation

The study aims to investigate the current designs of residential buildings and the efficiency of these designs during the pandemic. The research will explore the qualities provided in the residential spaces and reveal the gaps and challenges facing the users. In addition to proposing a set of criteria and recommendations for future designs. Due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the world has faced dramatic changes in the lives of people. As a result of less people commuting and more people studying or working from home, there are a lot of changes that needs to be done in order to let people function more with more comfort in spaces that were not expected to have more time of consumption.

Guest rooms are the most dedicated area space in Qatari villas and most families do not use it and living rooms became a priority after the pandemic since the whole family gathers in it. It is also noticeable that people's lives has been changed after the pandemic, which shows that their priorities has changed and it requires a study to see the functionality of homes nowadays. However, according to the cases, there were few problems that has been faced by the family members which has also been mentioned in the issues that other families has faced in their answers to the questionnaire which are all listed in the study. The pandemic opened people's eyes into their priorities and the main concerns of their needs in life, which helps to create a better future for everyone. To conclude, even if the designs are already existing, adjustments and solutions can be made to create a better and more functional design for the family to use. The research was helpful in terms of determining people's needs and how important it is to prioritize family needs in order to come up with the best design for each family. Using a mixed approach of collecting data has helped in increasing the professional skills and to come up with the best way of communications that makes everybody comfortable. It is also an eye opener to how the needs shapes our homes, and then homes shape our behaviors in return.