The Divine Light, Al-Nur by Digital Media

Submitted by lfatajo on Fri, 06/24/2022 - 23:24
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Amr, Hanan
Year of Graduation

This research follows a practice-led methodology with the mode of getting knowledge "through" art and design. It is an initial trial in the field of Islamic art related to exhibitions and museology. Knowledge will be formed from the dialogic between the conceptual and material elements found through the qualitative and historical research done in this work. The knowledge will be through a digital artefact as a communicative form of knowledge for the concept of the Light (al-Nῡr). The concept of al-Nῡr is chosen for this study as a beautiful concept in Islam. The research main argument is to prove that Islamic concepts can be presented through digital media. Different digital terms, tools, and case studies have been studied through the research. However, the final project follows the concept of immersive exhibition. This idea was influenced by the exhibition of "Van Gogh Alive, the Experience". The research covers different concepts and theories about al-Nῡr. The study of al-Nῡr in Islam has a main consideration in the research. The meanings, concepts and interpretations of al-Nῡr in Qur'an, Hadith and Islamic philosophy were considered. The Verse of Light has a particular importance in this research. The verse has a continuous influence on artists and architects through Islamic history, and again it is considered in this research as the core design for the artefact. Then the study of al-Nῡr was considered in art, architecture, calligraphy, music and even science. The research covers the maximum amount of information that the research allows as size and time. However, not all information was used in the final product, though they have their importance in the study. The final product is a digital immersive exhibition titled "Parable of His Light". It acts as a niche "mishkᾱt" which produces the knowledge of light and light of knowledge to the user who will act metaphorically as a lamp that shines with knowledge.