The Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Global Health as the Way to Achieve SDG 3

Submitted by lfatajo on Fri, 06/24/2022 - 23:00
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Lukova, Nataliya Vasileva
Year of Graduation

The current research study aims to investigate the importance and the influence of Artificial intelligence in the global health policies and alignment with sustainable development goals of the United Nations introduced in 2015 to achieve a good global. Moreover, the research is a step to identify and map the best practices of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare. As well as, to look at the examples of smart solutions that have been used for communicable and non-communicable diseases. This narrative is a tool to familiarise the reader with the strategies and steps of how some global powers are undertaking actions towards the new technological era by incorporating smart technologies into various fields of life. The methodology for this study is mainly quantitative in nature. The survey method is to support quantitative insights.Each chapter plays a specific informative role while the full thesis consists of chapters on the merits of the concerned topic with considered sub-points, and three chapters as part of the mandatory and complete research paper. The study proposes a narration in the design of the new global reality that might have been even provoked by the human desire and attempt for illicit supremacy over nature.

CIS Research Foci