Islamic Ethics on Environmental Sustainability Vs. Economic Development: Constructing Dams As an Example

Submitted by lfatajo on Fri, 06/24/2022 - 15:38
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Al-Munshi, Muhammad Yousuf
Year of Graduation
QF Thematic Areas

Both environmental sustainability and economic development occupy a crucial place in the Islamic tradition. There are often conflicts of interest between economic development and environmental sustainability. Achieving harmony between economic development and environmental sustainability is extremely difficult without consideration of the ethical and religious dimensions. People continue to suffer from environmental crises such as pollution and climate change that have led to poverty and hunger. Human necessities of life such as food, water, and housing are increasingly at risk. There is a need to protect the environment from degradation and destruction, and there is an urgent need to address such priorities according to an Islamic ethical approach – specifically, through the higher objectives of Sharia, jurisprudential rules, and Islamic ethical principles. This thesis explores the main ethical questions raised by current environmental and economic conflicts and examines these conflicts in the light of Islamic traditions. Given that Muslim jurists throughout history have resorted to consulting the maqasid al-sharia when confronting complex issues, this thesis also attempts to apply the maqasid al-sharia as a means of resolving environmental and economic conflicts. As its area of application, the thesis introduces dam projects as one of the most important examples where the normal contradiction between economic development and environmental sustainability can be resolved. Using both scientific and Islamic approaches, the environmental and economic benefits and harms will be examined ethically.

CIS Research Foci