Place attachment of contemporary and modern districts in Cairo : the cases of Abbasiyah, Khedival Downtown, Maadi and Heliopolis 

Submitted by lfatajo on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 22:43
Place Attachment is a human phenomenal common feelings and behavioral activity that accumulates with first experiences made by people in their places by either residing or visiting it. Such feelings gradually transferred with certain degree of acceptance to the place characteristics into behavioral actions of commitment to places. Those commitments are manifested in powerful bonds to their places especially by residents whom spent more comfortable time and communed with others in it in a socially, emotionally and functionally. All those feeling activities of remembrance, enjoyment, inspiration, festive, sorrow, physical need, proxemics and ceremonial aspects may form a core factor in creating unbreakable useful bonds to place. In order to visualize Place Attachment, some containment factors are listed in this research that would foster more the
phenomenal Place Attachment to flourish more in places once met in terms of place's history, characteristics, condition and development. Gradually place residents find themselves committed with time passing stronger and deeper to keep their ancestors' place for their continued own use or at least visit those places regardless of its architectural value or what may it may form to others having a disagree viewpoints with them for those doings. It seems like a passionate blinding of hidden ties formulated as a non-rational redundancy to places. Historic Cairo had its unique Place Attachment by its residents and simple architectural typologies. Despite its deteriorated conditions, Historic Cairo's housing places had its prime respect privacy,
human comfort and human scale. Those were the key success to that place to secure the optimum resident's Place Attachment. On the contrary, of that, modern Cairo had its imported styles from western civilization that did not belong to the Historic architecture, yet managed to secure minimum of place acceptance factors that enabled some success to resident's Place Attachment. Old and Contemporary Cairo is taken as case study of this research had been a controversy metropolitan city that witnessed a number of transformations politically and economically. in addition to number of global modern exposures took place in its architecture theme and place typolories by Islamic, Ottoman's, French's, and British colonization. As such, had its exposure's impact on different culture and architectural built environment themes. Exposed to frequent influential changes, new building typologies created and new architectural buildings to simulate and re-acts to residents needs in those modern and post-modern places. Four colonized and post-modern neighborhoods in Cairo Abbasiyah, Khedival's Cairo, Heliopolis, Madi taken as case study to study measure and compare the Place Attachment feelings in them to bEach others. Thus, study deep commitments feeling to those places. Direct interviews conducted and questionnaire results collected from those selected area residents and certain criteria of eight most common symptoms of emotional and functional attachment in order to measure and
compare results between those areas, A Group of 21 individual questionnaire were conducted via direct interviews in which all results were gathered and analyzed in excel templates to establish links between, considering number of variables that were have socio economic impact of forming the resident's opinion such as their own background, family structure, political and socio economic constraints. The results of selected specimen residents indicted that those post-modern place residents enjoyed deep, strong Place Attachment in their places. Feelings strong enough that all selected four areas scored more than 85% overall Place Attachment bonds, where Heliopolis and Maadi scored higher than Abbasiyah and Khedival's Cairo scored the lowest of all. The site survey study made revealed that phenomenal Place Attachment was created and existed in a non-Historic middle eastern architectural theme, Yet those housing projects having western influenced by different styles from the old Historic Cairo's built environment managed also to establish or simulate resident's suitable requirements.
 The success of those place was the due diligence studies and spatial satisfaction, expectations, socio-culturally predicted by their designers to human needs and aspiration even in a formally planed prototypes. Such simulation process would be a lesson learned and very effective useful tool
in to be considered in the new city zoning and Demographical Ethno-Ideological planning escape for
mega scale urban development and city neighborhood building.
Key words, Tendency, Passion, attachment, Long term/ Longevity keeping, Historic jurisprudence
Historic typology, Contemporary, post colonization, place making, place acceptance, affordable
prototypes, sustainability, participatory programs, VUCA, Contemporary
No. of Pages
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CIS Program Old
CIS publications
CIS Thesis
CIS Library Call Number
 Thesis QFIS UDA 2016/3