Violence against women in Qatar an exploratory study

Submitted by lfatajo on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 22:05
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CIS publications
CIS Thesis
Student Name
Al Ghayathin, Bakhita
Year of Graduation
CIS Library Call Number
 Thesis QFIS PP 2017/6  
Violence against women has been a major issue on the international agenda, especially in developing countries and the Middle East. Throughout history, women have suffered different forms of slavery, mistreatment, violence, and physical or psychological torture. Studies indicate that about one in three women (35%) all around the world experience all sorts of violence which maybe physical, sexual and or psychological. In some countries every seven out of 10 women have to face this abuse. Today, more than 700 million women are married underage while 250 million married under the age of 15. These results in women not completing their education are more prone to being exposed to violence at home and other physical complications in childbirth. These dynamics have led women to be abused for generations. The data collected globally illustrates that women who have been abused have not found it comfortable and chose not to seek help and only 40% of the women do so. In every 1 out of 10 cases, the VAW is officially documented and reported to the police. The issue has been getting a lot of attention in the past decade. Qatar has also been facing this issue and time has come to identify the root causes of this evil. This research tries to find answers to the causes of violence against women in Qatar, the underlying attitudes and perceptions of the people in Qatar about this issue and suggestions to solve this keeping in mind the customs and traditions of the Qatari society. To research and conduct a scientific study on this important issue, one-to-one interviews with experts in this field in Qatar and a questionnaire have been administered to a sample of 245 participants from students of Qatar University and social workers and psychologists employed in Qatar. The results from the research conducted illustrate that patriarchal power in the society, women demanding their rights as per law and the misunderstanding of religious concepts lead to women being abused. Moreover, the attitudes of women in not reporting the incidents results in further deepening of the complexity. The research also identifies that awareness programs, enacting laws to stop the practice and punishing the abusers are some of the ways to stop this practices.
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