Islamic Reforms and Global Affairs

Submitted by Umar Farooq Patel on Wed, 01/12/2022 - 20:31

The research aims to study the historical role played by Islam in social and political reforms and in promoting global peace and justice. Such efforts may not only be restricted to the past but the sizeable migration of Muslims to North America and Europe have created a new dynamic to reassert the egalitarian principles. The study intends to engage scholars to understand;

  1. If Islamic scholarship inspired the classical liberal tradition and set the ground for modern institutions for the rule of law, accountability of state actors and interreligious cooperation?
  2. Are there relevant lessons for ongoing globalization and what role could Islamic intellectualism contribute towards the future of globalization?
Completion Date
Grant Amount
Grant Type
Research Clusters Grant
Grant Cycle
Cycle 4
Lead Project Investigator
Proposed Deliverables
Edited Book
Project Status
Grant Received (QAR)
Total Grant Received (QAR)
Start Date