Malek Bennabi’s Philosophy of History: from Heroic to Humanitarian Thought

Submitted by Issaka Razak A… on Mon, 05/03/2021 - 12:41
"With some indepth insights into the history of civilizations and nations, Malek Bennabi spotted some outstanding remarks on the causes of failure of Islamic movements to attain their leadership aspirations, which explained his interest in thoughts and the patterns of thought and beliefs instead of incidents and facts. This interest emanated from the influence of people’s thoughts and beliefs about themselves, about the world, and about easing the way to the achievement of their goals and ambitions or the eventual impediment towards these ends. The whole of these remarks, in general, gave shape to a new platform for the philosophy of history that match to a great extent that of Ibn Khaldun, Giovanni Vico, and Ozveld Spingler, to mention but a few. Malek Bennabi established his doctrine in history, or renaissance, on a number of constituents and ideas on top of which stands a shift from the stage of heroism to the stage of humanitarianism in ideas and behaviours. History is a pathway man intentionally makes. The mistakes in history are ones manmade and for which they are responsible. Therefore, if there is no strong determination to make a nation’s history, it would not be set free from the grip of the stage of dreams over the history night where much pride lies day and night in the greatness of the past times, where the stories of eternal heroes of the great past stand as a sedative against the pains of the present time."
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