The Historical and Heroic Role in the Renaissance Project

Submitted by Issaka Razak A… on Sun, 05/02/2021 - 14:47
"In the first part of Malek Bennabi’s The Conditions of the Renaissance, the subject is part of the issue entitled “the role of heroes” within the multiple investigations that go into research in the logic of history in human issues in general, and what should be the Renaissance project in particular. Bennabi spoke of the tournament as an amusement and saturation of the fantasies of the owners, and efforts to aspire and satisfy the faith for eternity, and as a goal to gain glory. Thus, the championship is closer to the myth of history, and its purpose does not exceed the religious motives and the honor of the human, which they do in the life of man. History has a different logic, which does not stand on the heroic role, but rather to the historical one. That’s to say, according to the pattern of history, human issues and problems are civilizational, although they do comprise multiple perspectives on issues. The tournament remains “the human potential at its peak, because it is a moral value and higher ideals, and on the other is the source of society’s delusion, especially when society is at the height of its weakness and crisis.” Through the examples mentioned on the subject, it seems that it is being deliberately pointed that the heroic role in the process of renaissance is not enough; because the nation in its popular and widespread culture still believes that the heroic role is everything. And so we continue to this day to see great tournaments appear and disappear from time to time, but do not achieve what the nation aims of strong renaissance goals to take off."
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