Islam’s Guidance on Combating COVID-19 and its Impact on Worship and Related Aspects

Submitted by siteadmin on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 11:38

This seminar aims to investigate the COVID-19 crisis and its ramifications by:

  1. Explaining the Islamic approach to dealing with epidemics in general, and COVID-19 in particular. 
  2. Outlining the effect of this on worship and other related aspects in a way that ensures Shari’a objectives and the fiqh of consequences are met.


Dr. Hossam E. Mohammed, Senior Researcher, Al-Qaradawi Center for Islamic Reform and Renewal, CIS

Dr. Mohammed El Gammal, Associate Professor, Contemporary Comparative Fiqh, CIS


Dr. Badrane Benlahcene, Associate Professor, Comparative and Philosophy of Religions, CIS

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Online / Webinar
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